ChLA 2015 Special Session
The ChLA International Committee and the Phoenix Picture Book Award Committee are thrilled to announce a special joint session during the 2015 ChLA Conference "Give Me Liberty, Or Give Me Death!": The High Stakes and Dark Sides of Children's Literature in Richmond, Virginia. Please join us on Saturday, June 20, 2015 from 3:30-4:45pm in James River A for Session 13A The Craft of Pictures: Meet the Italian Book Illustrator Fabian Negrin.
Co-Chairs include Andrea Schwenke Wyile from Acadia University and Marina Balina from Illinois Wesleyan University. Italian Illustrator Fabian Negrin will serve as respondent.
Fabian Negrin was born in Argentina in 1963. At eighteen, he moved to Mexico City and graduated with a decree in graphic design. In 1989 he moved to Milan, dedicating himself definitively to the illustration and writing of children's books. He has obtained some of the highest international awards, including the Unicef Prize at the Bologna Children's Book Fair (1995), the Andersen Award for best illustrator (2000), Bib Plaque of the Bratislava Illustration Biennial (2009), and the Bologna Ragazzi Award Non-Fiction (2010).

Andrea Schwenke Wyile has taught Children's Literature at Acadia since 2000. She has edited and published a number of articles on narrative theory, Young Adult novels, and Picturebooks. She co-edited Considering Children's Literature: A Reader (Broadview Press 2008) with Teya Rosenberg. She held an Eileen Wallace Fellowship in Children's Literature from the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton for 2007-08, and has been on the Editorial Board of Children's Literature in Education since 2007. As part of SeaStacks, Atlantic Canadian Books for Children and Young Adults, a web-based resource, she has done a dozen video interviews with writers and illustrators. Her central research interests on visualverbal relations and narrative theory have ranged from the pictorialization of music and first-person narration, to narrative engagement with character and graphic metaphor, all of which influence our ways of seeing and reading.

Marina Balina is a professor of Russian at Illinois Wesleyan University. Her publications include Endquote: Sots-Art Literature and Soviet Grand Style with Nancy Condee and Evgeny Dobrenko (Northwestern, 2000), Soviet Treasure: Culture, Literature, and Film with Evgeny Dobrenko and Jurii Murashov (Akademiheskii project, 2002), and Dictionary of Literary Biography: Russian Writers Since 1980 with Mark Lipovetsky (Gale Group, 2003), and Politicizing Magic: An Anthology of Russian and Soviet FairyTales with Helena Goscilo and Mark Lipovetsky (Northwestern, 2005).
For more information about the 2015 Special Session and conference, please visit the conference page. See you in Richmond!
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