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Welcome to Richmond!

ChLA International Committee

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The ChLA International Committee and Conference Planning Committee are thrilled to welcome you to the 42nd Annual Children's Literature Association Conference in Richmond, VA.

Please join us for two exciting panels discussing Italian Children's Literature and featuring our International Distinguished Scholars and Italian Illustrator Fabian Negrin.


7B: Italian Children's Literature, Sponsored by the ChLA International Committee

Friday, June 19


James River B

Giorgia Grilli, University of Bologna, Italy

“Italian Children’s Literature: Past History and Present Challenges”

Maria Rosa Truglio, Pennsylvania State University

“A Beatrice for Modernity: Girls in Italian Children’s Literature, 1890-1921”

Lindsay Myers, The National University of Ireland, Galway

“Historicized Fiction or Fictionalized History? Lia Levi’s First-World War Novel Cecilia va alla guerra (2000)”


13A: The Craft of Pictures: Meet the Italian Book Illustrator Fabian Negrin

Friday, June 19


James River A


Andrea Schwenke Wyile, Acadia University

Marina Balina, Illinois Wesleyan University


Fabian Negrin

Joint session of the ChLA International Committee and the Phoenix Picture Book Award Committee


For more information about our distinguished panelists and the 2015 International Committee panel, please visit our conference page.

If you livetweet a panel or other conference-related event, please use the #chla15 hashtag so that others can find your tweets.

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