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Call for Papers 2015

ChLA International Committee

ChLA 2015 Conference Logo

The International Committee of the Children’s Literature Association is planning a special country focus panel on Italy to be presented at the 42nd Children’s Literature Association Conference, held in Richmond, Virginia, and hosted by Longwood University from June 18 through 20, 2015. The committee invites paper proposals that focus on any aspect of Italian children’s literature. The authors of two papers selected for the panel to accompany a presentation by the Italian Distinguished Scholar will be awarded a $500 travel grant each. Send 500-word abstracts accompanied by up to 250- word bios to the International Committee, Children’s Literature Association, at with the subject line “International Committee Paper Submission.” The deadline for submissions is November 21, 2014.

*For those authors interested in presenting proposals on picture books by Italian authors, pay attention to the Phoenix Award Session CFP, which includes the works of Italian illustrators Sara Faneli and Stefano Vitali.

Authors of proposals selected for the panel will be notified by December 30, 2014. If not selected for the panel, the authors may elect to submit their papers to the general conference. The call deadline for the 2015 ChLA conference is January 15, 2015.

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