CFP: Fostering Dialogue - Teaching Children’s Literature and Reading for Fun at University
Fostering Dialogue:
Teaching Children’s Literature and Reading for Fun at University
3rd International Online Conference
organised by the Faculty of Education Sciences at
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC Barcelona)
21-23 November 2024
Deadline: 15 May 2024
At a moment when educators, librarians, researchers and policymakers are very interested in the effects of recreational reading on children, it is reasonable to question whether pre-service teachers and other literature mediators are keen readers themselves. Research in Australia, Chile, Norway, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, UK and USA has shown that pre-service and in-service teachers are not regular readers, and they are not often focussed on the joy of reading when teaching reading skills. But if they read for pleasure, share their reading tastes and literary experiences and value the aesthetic reader profile, they are more able to inspire children to read and to create reading communities (Chambers 1993, Cremin 2020, Granado 2014, Merga 2016, Muñoz et al. 2022, Skaar, Elvebakk & Nilssen 2018): “Teachers who model recreational reading can foster a love of reading in their students” (Tichenor et al. 2021, p. 1).
As a consequence, it is worth reflecting on how programmes on children’s literature at university level can develop positive attitudes towards reading so students keep and share this intrinsic motivation throughout their life. This is why we hope that the 3rd Fostering Dialogue Conference will create new spaces for discussion and collaboration on teaching children’s literature and the pleasure for reading in university settings. This is an opportunity for sharing approaches, tools and solutions to addressing these challenges.
We are inviting papers related to encouraging the joy of reading books in future teachers and other reading mediators for young people and adults. Possible areas to this topic can include, but are not restricted to:
Reading habits of pre-service teachers, in-service teachers and other literature mediators.
Students’ experiences of reading books for young people and adults.
Recreational reading in programmes on children’s literature.
Teaching methods, practices and tools to promote reading for fun in children’s literature courses.
Strategies for students’ active engagement in children’s literature classes.
Designing reading lists, syllabi and assignments.
Assessment in children’s literature courses.
Teaching and including children’s literature in other disciplines (e.g. education, library sciences, literature, humanities, history, sociology, design, visual arts, dramatic art, sciences).
Institutional possibilities and limitations in encouraging the knowledge on children’s literature, reading for pleasure and reading communities.
Recreational reading and children’s literature teaching in local, national or global frameworks, guidelines and standards.
Please send an abstract of 300 words maximum and a short biography of 100 words as a single Word document to E-mails should have the subject line: Abstract
Abstracts should include the following information:
Affiliation as you would like to appear in the programme
E-mail address
Title of proposal in English (in English and Spanish for papers delivered in Spanish)
Text of proposal (including research question, methodology, research context)
Selected bibliography with academic sources (3-5 references)
Areas of interest referring to the topics listed above (1-10)
Five keywords
Language used to deliver the paper: English/Spanish
Deadline for abstract submission: 15th May 2024
Notification of acceptance: 15th June 2024