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International Children's Book Day 2022

ChLA International Committee

Join the ChLA International Committee in celebrating International Children's Book Day (ICBD) on April 2nd!

International Children's Book Day Poster 2021 created by Roger Mello

About ICBD

ICBD is a worldwide celebration of reading and children's literature meant to inspire and promote a love of children's books.


Every year, on or around Hans

Christian Andersen’s birthday of 2 April,

International Children’s Book Day (ICBD)

is celebrated to inspire a love of reading and

to call attention to children’s books. The

International Board on Books for Young

People (IBBY), an international, non-profit

organization has been sponsoring the event

since 1967.

ICBD 2022

IBBY Canada is delighted to be the official

sponsor of International Children’s Book Day

2022, selecting a theme and designing a poster for IBBY sections around the world to use to promote books and reading.

The theme of Stories are wings that help you soar every day, written by celebrated author Richard Van Camp (Tłıc̨ hǫ) and affectingly illustrated by acclaimed artist Julie Flett (Cree/Métis), beautifully captures the power of children’s books to expand horizons, ignite the imagination and build understanding.

Julie Flett

Julie Flett, a Cree-Métis author, illustrator, and artist, has received numerous awards for her work, including a Governor General’s Award, the TD Canadian Children’s Literature Award, the Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Literary Excellence, and the American Indian Library Association Award. Julie is the author of many books including Birdsong, an American Indian Youth Literature Honor Book and Boston Globe-Horn Book Honor Title. Her work has been reviewed widely, including in the New York Times, the Globe and Mail, and Publishers Weekly. Twelve of Julie’s books, including Little You written by Richard Van Camp, are featured in the Indigenous Picture Book Collection (2019 and 2021 editions, curated by IBBY Canada) which feature the best Indigenous picture books published in Canada over the past 35 years.

Richard Van Camp

Richard Van Camp is a Tłıc̨ hǫ writer from Fort Smith, NWT. He is the author of 26 books —including many children’s and baby books. In 2014, Richard was announced as a juror for the NSK Neustadt Prize for Children’s Literature. His finalist nominee was Julie Flett. In 2015, Richard was awarded the R. Ross Arnett Award for Children’s Literature for Little You. His graphic novel, A Blanket of Butterflies (Portage & Main Press), was nominated an Eisner Award. In 2021, Richard was awarded the CODE Burt Award for First Nations, Inuit and Métis Young Adult Literature for Moccasin Square Gardens (Douglas & McIntye).

Richard’s titles in the first Indigenous Picture Book Collection, curated by IBBY Canada, include two of the Collection’s earliest books: A Man Called Raven (Lee & Low) and What is the Most Beautiful Thing You Know About Horses? (Lee & Low) both illustrated by George Littlechild — and two baby books: Welcome Song for Baby: A Lullaby for Newborns (Orca Book Publishers) and Little You (Orca Book Publishers), illustrated by Julie Flett.

Message to the Children of the World on International Children's Book Day 2022

Reading is freedom. Reading is breath.

Reading lets you see our world in a new way and it invites you into worlds you never want to leave.

Reading allows your spirit to dream.

They say books are friends for life and I agree.

The perfect universe of you only grows when you read.

Stories are wings that help you soar every day so find the books that speak to your spirit, to your heart, to your mind.

Stories are medicine. They heal. They comfort.

They inspire. They teach.

Bless the storytellers and the readers and listeners.

Bless books. They are medicine for a better, brighter world.

Mahsi cho. Thank you very much.

Written by Richard Van Camp

Poster illustrated by Julie Flett

Listen to Richard Van Camp's Message to the Children of the World for International Children's Book Day 2022 here.


To learn more about the International Committee's relationship with IBBY and our other partnering organizations, visit our Resources Page.

How are you celebrating International Children's Book Day?


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