Around the World in 18 Books: An Introduction to Literary Translation in Children’s & YA Publishing

The recording of Ruth Ahmedzai Kemp’s talk Around the World in 18 Books: An introduction to literary translation in children’s and YA publishing is now available to watch here.
You can access the handout with details on the books discussed and links to organisations and resources on children’s literature in translation here.
Around the World in 18 Books: An introduction to literary translation in children’s and YA publishing
An online public talk with translator and diverse publishing activist Ruth Ahmedzai Kemp
DATE: Thursday, December 10, 2020
TIME: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm (GMT)
Venue: MS Teams
A whistle-stop tour of the globe by way of translated books for children and young adults, introduced by Patricia Billings (Milet Publishing and Outside in World)
Literary translator and diverse publishing activist Ruth Ahmedzai Kemp [@RuthAhmedzai] takes us on a tour of 18 books from 18 countries, translated into English from 18 languages, giving a behind-the-scenes glimpse at a vibrant and growing sector: literary translation for children and teens.
In an illustrated talk taking in 18 examples of fiction, nonfiction and poetry for children and young adults, Ruth opens a door onto the global children’s publishing industry, looking at how publishing rights are sold from one country to another, how translations are commissioned and funded, how marketing and age-banding varies between territories, why there are so few translations from outside of Europe and so few translated books by non-white authors, and how that could change.
Besides translators and researchers, this whirlwind book tour is aimed at a general audience including booksellers, librarians, teachers and parents, indeed anyone keen to diversify their children’s bookshelves.
Warning: you may come away with a long wish list of books to buy!
Please join the seminar here using Microsoft Teams. Information on joining Teams meetings without an account can be found here.
This seminar is organised by the Centre for Book Cultures and Publishing in partnership with Outside in World, the organisation dedicated to promoting and exploring world literature and children’s books in translation.

ABOUT THE PRESENTER: Ruth Ahmedzai Kemp is a literary translator working from German, Russian, and Arabic into English. Her work has been shortlisted for the Helen & Kurt Wolff Translator's Prize. She translates novels, nonfiction, and children’s books, and her translations include books from Germany, Jordan, Morocco, Palestine, Russia, Switzerland, and Syria. She is currently translating historical crime fiction set in Stalinist Russia, and the memoir of German arts critic Ijoma Mangold. She is co-editor of three blogs about children’s books in translation: World Kid Lit, Russian Kid Lit, and ArabKidLitNow.