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Children's Literature Summer School 2020

Vanessa Joosen

University of Antwerp Children's Literature Summer School 2020

Children's Literature Summer School

University of Antwerp, Belgium

6-10 July 2020

Registration opens on 20 November 2019 and spaces are divided on a first-come, first-served basis.

The Children’s Literature Summer School runs from 6 to 10 July 2020. It offers plenary lectures, workshops, seminar walks and excursions related to three thematic strands: classics of children’s literature (with 2 options to choose from), childhood studies and research methods. Confirmed speakers include Maaheen Ahmed, Clémentine Beauvais, Julia Benner, Ada Bieber, Daniel Feldman, Vanessa Joosen, Elizabeth Marshall, Breanna McDaniel, Lindsay Myers, Sarah Park Dahlen, Kimberley Reynolds, Peter Reynolds, Björn Sundmark, Sara Van Den Bossche, Helma van Lierop-Debrauwer and Alison Waller. All titles are now listed on the website; abstracts and reading lists will be posted in the course of November and December.

The summer school is mainly targeted at MA and PhD students, but also open to more senior researchers and professionals with an interest in children’s literature studies. Last year, students from over 25 different countries took part. Students can register to earn 3 or 6 ECTs. PhD students get the opportunity to present their research and get feedback from tutors and participants. In addition, they can take an optional training session on presenting their research, publishing a monograph and writing grant proposals.

This year, we also offer three scholarships for PhD students who do not have funding to cover the registration fee. The scholarships (worth 500 euro each) will cover registration and lunch breaks during the summer school (not accommodation and other meals). Applicants are requested to send their CV and a motivation letter to before 20 November 2019. Selected participants will receive notice before 5 December 2019.

The motivation letter should include the following information:

  • PhD title, the programme you are registered for, your supervisor and expected completion date

  • The thematic strand that you want register to for and how it relates to your research

  • Your motivation for attending this summer school (300 words)

  • An abstract for a 20-minute presentation on your PhD during the summer school (300 words)

  • Why should we support your participation? Have you had any opportunity to study or travel abroad before? Does your university or college provide financial support for education abroad (for example by providing travel grants to participate in summer schools)? Will you apply for other funding?

  • Contact details for 2 college or university teachers who would be willing to endorse your application.

Please contact us at if you have any further questions. Please see the website for more information.

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