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Lecture: Creating Universal Climate Literacy with Children’s Literature and Media

Centre for Research on Children’s & YA Literature

Climate Change collage

LECTURE: Prof. Marek Oziewicz's "Creating Universal Climate Literacy with Children’s Literature and Media"

DATE: Wednesday, February 23, 2022

TIME: 18.00 (CET, Central European Time)

12:00pm (noon) (Eastern Standard Time)

To calculate the time for your own time zone, see Savvy Time World Clock Converter


Event concluded. Lecture available here.

The Centre for Research on Children’s and Young Adult Literature at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Wrocław has the honor to invite you to the eighth lecture in the series “International Voices in Children's Literature Studies”

This talk suggests that narrative fiction is good for thinking with, and that we need to think our way out of the challenges facing us in the Anthropocene. The notion of climate literacy is introduced as a narrative competence, and the argument is that the achievement of universal climate literacy is necessary for our world to transition to an ecological civilization. Climate literacy presents us with multiple pedagogical and conceptual challenges but it may also be the greatest opportunity for our education systems. How do we go about building grassroots climate awareness that will change the world? How can English arts teachers and literature scholars be part of this global shift? What tools can we use and where do we begin? This talk suggests that one good place to start is narrative fiction and that young people’s literature and media are ground zero for building a climate literate society.

If you are interested in taking part in the lecture, please contact us by email by 21 February at the following address:


Marek Oziewicz

ABOUT THE PRESENTER: Marek Oziewicz (he/him) is the Sidney and Marguerite Henry Professor of Children’s and Young Adult Literature at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. He is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Climate Lit and studies the Anthropocene as a challenge to our story systems. His recent publications include a special issue of The Lion and the Unicorn on Children’s Literature and Climate Change (co-edited with Lara Saguisag), and a collection Fantasy and Myth in the Anthropocene: Imagining Futures and Dreaming Hope in Literature and Media (coedited with Brian Attebery and Tereza Dedinová).


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