2022 International Committee Panelists

The ChLA International Committee is pleased to announce the panelists for the 2022 sponsored panel, focusing on Dreams in Children's and YA Literature. Please note this panel is now available for viewing on the conference app and on ChLA's YouTube channel.
About Reham Almutairi: I am a Ph.D. candidate in children and Young Adult Literature at King Saud University, Saudi Arabia. I teach undergraduates courses on literary translation, and introduction to English and American literature at Qassim University- Saudi Arabia. I published a paper examining the Arabic bildungsroman tradition in a Kuwaiti young adult novel. I also participated in several local and international conferences where I presented papers on the representation of physical and mental disabilities in children’s literature, the representation of female fat bodies in YA’s literature, the medical gaze, the tyranny of the normal, and disability in Saudi folktales. My area of interests are children’s literature, disability studies, medical humanities, and fat studies. Currently, I am working on my dissertation where I research how picturebooks produce disability counternarratives that challenge and destabilize narratives produced by the freak show.
Marina di Marco is a PhD candidate at the Argentine Catholic University (UCA). She got her Literature degree at that same university, and a diploma in Advanced Studies in Children's Literature at the National University of San Martín, Argentina. She currently participates as an assistant professor of Theory and Analysis of Literary Discourse I (UCA) and works as a junior researcher with a UCA-CONICET grant, with her project “Orality and corporality in a genre for children: poetics of cradle songs written by known authors (Argentina, 20th and 21st centuries)”.
She has been part of a CONICET research project on the relationship between word and image, for which she especially studied poetry picturebooks, and has recently joined the International Research Society in Children's Literature. Results of her research often circulate in conferences and scientific magazines, and she contributed with a chapter to the recent publication of the specialized volume Espacios y emociones. Textos, territorios y fronteras en América Latina (Buenos Aires: Miño y Dávila, 2021). In the artistic field, she is about to publish her book of poems Con luz no despertada (Buenos Aires: Bärenhaus, 2021), and she coordinates the collection of children stories on prevention issues “Cuento contigo” (Sevilla: Wanceulen, UCA-Tiempo de Actuar Foundation).
Dr. Atanu Bhattacharya is Professor in the Centre for English Studies at Central University of Gujarat, India. He received his PhD in Narrative Studies from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, and a Masters in English and Multimedia Studies from the University of Warwick, UK. His research interests focus on the interaction between technology studies, English language studies and cultural studies. His current research investigates the development of Science Fiction during the 19th-century in and around the city of Kolkata. He has published in national and international journals as well as has several translations and reviews to his credit. His current projects include a book project on Science Fiction in Colonial Spaces and a research collaboration funded by the Hornby Trust, UK exploring the production of textbooks in colonial India.
Dr. Preet Hiradhar is Associate Professor of Teaching at the Department of English at Lingnan University in Hong Kong. She holds a doctorate in technology-mediated language learning in higher education contexts and she researches technology and digital discourses in linguistic, literary, and cultural texts. She is the co-author of Critical Reading and Writing in the Digital Age (Routledge, 2016), a key linguistics studies resource for English and New Media Studies programs across universities in Europe and Asia. Her recent project investigates multimodal representations and cultural identities in online spaces and her latest book project (with Dr. Atanu Bhattacharya) explores ICT in English Language Education in South Asia.
For more information about the 2022 panel and conference, please visit the conference page. To register to attend ChLA's conference, please visit the ChLA website.
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